I needed some help with a screenplay I was driven to write a 5th draft. I started writing it in 2007 and got my first draft done in 2009. It was a finalist in several writing competitions (of several draft iterations), but I knew it needed a ton of work and it needed to come from someone that was a proven writer/editor. It needed a critical beatdown.

After a few other drafts, 2-4, this fifth draft had to be the best yet. I learned so much about writing screenplays and better understood the story by simply living with it all those years. I asked Drew “Droopy” Anderson to assist me. He tells stories like no other. His humor and insight into the human condition with minimal effort and use of words is the type of edit I needed. We bartered his editing/writing assistance with me doing a music video.

We got the 5th draft done while working on a video for a single, Run Away, featuring Christylez Bacon and Basic the Bassist. That very song illustrates his writing prowess I needed on this rounds of critique. I had an assistant at the time, Robyn Hutson and we both chiseled away on this complicated ode to a love on the run.

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